14 Ways to Love Yourself

Valentine’s Day is a great day for love and appreciating those around you. However, it can also be a sad time for some that may be not feeling great about themselves or feeling alone. This year, make Valentine’s Day about you. Love yourself, make time for yourself, and find others that may benefit from feeling the love from you too!
Take a look at these steps for loving yourself this year.
Call your friends and family to check on them. Social media is great, but there is nothing like a quick visit, Facetime, or phone call. You could add a little sunshine to someone’s day.
Treat yourself to something that you don’t need. It’s great to be responsible financially but there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to something nice. Even if it is small. Have you been thinking about new dishes, or maybe a new shirt? Treat yourself. You deserve it.
Find a great meal replacement shake and vitamins that agree with your system. Meal replacement shakes can help you when you are busy and on the go as well as help reduce snack cravings.
Take pride in your appearance. Even if it means waking up a little earlier. Watch a few Youtube videos on hairstyles and or make-up tutorials to find styles that you like and don’t be afraid to try them out. When you look good, you feel good.
Catch-up on your favorite Netflix series. If you have a treadmill, try working in 30 mins of walking while you watch your favorite series.
Find your passion. It’s okay for your passion to be a hobby. It does not always have to result in a career change. Sometimes it may be hard to discover a great hobby. Start by making a list of things you enjoy doing such as baking, decorating, fishing, reading, online tutorials or whatever makes you happy. Create time for the hobby because the hobby will help keep you motivated.
Start a family tradition. Family traditions don’t have to be extravagant. Start with a Friday pizza night. Bake cookies together. Have board game night or family vision board night. These memories will last a lifetime and give your family something to look forward to.
Perform random acts of kindness. Bookmarks are a cost effective and nice thing to share. Help a neighbor with a chore they may need help with. Volunteer for a organization that you are passionate about.
Keep your distance from negative people and friends if possible. Treat them nice but you do not have to always answer their phone calls or participate in their events. Avoiding toxic people can help with not welcoming negativity in your life.
Do not focus on pleasing people. Please yourself and ensure that you make it clear to others that they have to respect your boundaries. This is both for personal and professional situations.
Take the time to capture the moment. When you can, take pictures and save them. There is nothing wrong with having a good old fashioned photo album. You will be thankful for the memories years from now. Sites like Shutterfly make it easy to download pictures right from your device.
Don’t focus on everyone else and their accomplishments. Stay focused on what your goals are. Every person has their own benchmark for success, remain focused on yours.
Get some fresh air. Take time to get outside for a jog, a hike, or just a brisk walk. Fresh air is good for the lungs.
Smile! The more often you smile, the better you will feel.
These 14 steps during the month of Valentine's Day can be followed at any time. Remember to love yourself because you are worthy of love! You are not alone.